The Navigating Destructive Relationships materials – videos and workbook – are meant to be used in tandem with participation in a G4 group. But they can also be used in conjunction with a counseling or mentoring relationship. We strongly encourage you not to take this journey alone!
Step 7, Part Two
Building Resilience
- PDF of Expressions of Kindness Tool
As you take this journey, here is the pattern we encourage:
- WATCH the video above to hear an overview of the material presented in a redemptive tone.
- READ the step in Navigating Destructive Relationships. At first, just read the material like a normal book.
- WORK the step — go back and do the exercises, answer the questions, and study devotional reflections on Scripture in that step.
- DISCUSS the step — share what you’re learning and how you’re growing with a G4 group. Learn how other people navigated challenges like the ones you’re facing.
- CELEBRATE the progress you are making and receive encouragement when progress is slow or you experience setbacks.
- ADVANCE to the next step. When you’re ready, here is the
Link to Step 7, Part Three
All videos for the Navigating Destructive Relationships series are available here.