The Navigating Destructive Relationships materials – videos and workbook – are meant to be used in tandem with participation in a G4 group. But they can also be used in conjunction with a counseling or mentoring relationship. We strongly encourage you not to take this journey alone!




Step 7, Part Two
Building Resilience



As you take this journey, here is the pattern we encourage:

  1. WATCH the video above to hear an overview of the material presented in a redemptive tone.
  2. READ the step in Navigating Destructive Relationships. At first, just read the material like a normal book.
  3. WORK the step — go back and do the exercises, answer the questions, and study devotional reflections on Scripture in that step.
  4. DISCUSS the step — share what you’re learning and how you’re growing with a G4 group. Learn how other people navigated challenges like the ones you’re facing.
  5. CELEBRATE the progress you are making and receive encouragement when progress is slow or you experience setbacks.
  6. ADVANCE to the next step. When you’re ready, here is the

Link to Step 7, Part Three
All videos for the Navigating Destructive Relationships series are available here.